Unlike Namita we have got the “EXPERTISE” in the following fields

To come up with magic for your brand
​all that’s needed is some ‘We’ Time at

We will take care of ​everything at the party;

you just BYOB.

Bring your own brand😜

3d camera illustration

Product shoots

Get ready for a funky product ​shoot that'll make your brand ​pop! With vibrant colors and ​energetic vibes, we'll capture ​your product's essence like never ​before. Let's break molds and set ​trends together with our ​innovative marketing magic

Black Arrow in Circle
Video Camera 3D Icon

Video shoots

Get set for a dynamic video ​shoot that'll propel your ​business forward! With vibrant ​visuals and energetic vibes, we'll ​capture your product's essence ​like never before. Let's break ​molds and set trends together ​with our innovative video ​marketing magic

Black Arrow in Circle
3D Ads icon

Ad Shoots

Prepare for an electrifying ad ​shoot that'll turbocharge your ​business! With captivating visuals ​and compelling storytelling, ​we'll bring your product to life ​like never before. Get ready to ​make waves and skyrocket your ​brand with our cutting-edge ad ​magic!

Black Arrow in Circle

We will have a great time working ​with each other

Let’s grow with digi groww !​

Uj​an Chakraborty


Chief Everything Officer


Aadima Bhattacharyya

Creative Head

Giving changes until the ​designer​ is dead. #Perfectionist

Md. Atiqh Ahmed

Tech Head

I'm not antisocial; I’m just ​upgrading my social interface.


So​uvik Das

He​ad of Camera

Even bloopers deserve an Oscar! ​#LaughingBehindTheLens"

Banani Mondal

So​cial Media Management

Dark Lord of the Social Realm


An​kit Roy

Vi​deo Editing

Bringing your vision to life ​#MadS​cientist

Roshmeet Chakraborty

Web Design/Developer

Coding without bugs is like coffee ​without caffeine #CodeNinja

Is​hita Ghosh

Bu​siness Development

Turning 'NO' into 'YES' with a ​touch of charm! #FakingSmiles

Sa​ptarshi Konar

Business Development

Making connections that stick! ​#WhenCanICallYouBack?

Slide Into Our DMs

Looping Downwards Arrow

☕ Come Grab a coffee with us

🤝 Let’s work together

To grow your brand, please get in touch ​with us at dg.groww.official@gmail.com

or can contact us at : +91 98306 05828

Want some one stop solution?

We have got your back, book an ​appointment with us to get a boost